Tag Archives: Titanic origins

Origins of Titanic, New Book Claims All Titanic Passengers Could Have Been Saved, and Lego Update


Titanic Memorial Belfast
Photo:Public Domain

A Story That Can Only Be Told In Belfast: What Are The Origins Of The ‘Unsinkable’ Titanic?
Euronews.com, 13 Sep 2021

Despite being located at either end of the island of Ireland, the ports of Belfast and Cork (Cobh) are connected by one of the world’s most infamous shipping disasters. Told many times in books, theatre performances and movies, the story of the Titanic is one that is indelibly etched in people’s minds. However the story can really only be understood once you have visited the places the Titanic was created.


Collapsible lifeboat D photographed by passenger on Carpathia on the morning of 15 April 1912.
Public Domain(Wikipedia)

Every Passenger On The Titanic Could Have Been Saved, Claims Gripping New Book
Daily Express, 13 Sept 2021

But a dramatic new book explodes that fantasy. “Every soul on the Titanic could have been saved,” says historian William Hazelgrove, author of One Hundred and Sixty Minutes: The Race to Save The RMS Titanic, published this month. “The myth says the Titanic was alone out on the Atlantic, but two ships – the SS Californian and the SS Mount Temple ?were so close that they saw the Titanic sinking, only failing to act out of cowardice and incompetence.

And for those Lego fans hoping for the Titanic set to come out:

Revised Piece Count For Rumoured LEGO for Adults 10294 Titanic
Brickfanatics, 13 Sep 2021

However, Instagram user exabrickslegogo_ now claims that 10294 Titanic will consist of ‘only’ 9,090 pieces, a part count that would probably seem way more impressive if it wasn’t coming back down from 12,000. As it stands, though, it would still be the biggest non-LEGO Art set in the portfolio by 54 bricks, just eking past 10276 Colosseum.