Christ’s entry into Jerusalem by Pietro Lorenzetti (1280–1348) Basilica of Saint Francis of Assisi Public Doman via Wikimedia Commons
Palm Sunday is the final Sunday in Lent and marks the beginning of Holy Week on the Christian liturgical calendar. It commemorates Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem on a donkey where people gathered to welcome him. They laid palm branches and cloaks on the path shouting “Hosanna to the Son of David!” This fulfilled the prophecy found in Zechariah 9:9.
The use of a donkey was very symbolic since those of power and status rode horses, but Jesus’ entry on a donkey was to show his humility. Palms often were used as a symbol of both peace and victory. In Catholic and other Christian churches, the faithful will be given palm branches to commemorate the entry into Jerusalem where they are blessed and part of the service. Many take them home to form into simple crosses.
The first Palm Sunday is believed to have started in the 8th century. It is observed in the Anglican, Catholic, Lutheran, Eastern Orthodox, and other Christian denominations. It is also referred to as Passion Sunday.
Christ’s entry into Jerusalem by Pietro Lorenzetti (1280–1348) Basilica of Saint Francis of Assisi Public Doman via Wikimedia Commons
Palm Sunday is the final Sunday in Lent and marks the beginning of Holy Week on the Christian liturgical calendar. It commemorates Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem on a donkey where people gathered to welcome him. They laid palm branches and cloaks on the path shouting “Hosanna to the Son of David!” This fulfilled the prophecy found in Zechariah 9:9.
The use of a donkey was very symbolic since those of power and status rode horses, but Jesus’ entry on a donkey was to show his humility. Palms often were used as a symbol of both peace and victory. In Catholic and other Christian churches, the faithful will be given palm branches to commemorate the entry into Jerusalem where they are blessed and part of the service. Many take them home to form into simple crosses.
The first Palm Sunday is believed to have started in the 8th century. It is observed in the Anglican, Catholic, Lutheran, Eastern Orthodox, and other Christian denominations. It is also referred to as Passion Sunday.
Jesus Entry Into Jerusalem by Pietro Lorenzetti(1320). Fresco in the Basilica of San Francesco d’Assisi, Italy Public Domain
Today is Palm Sunday, the beginning of Holy Week on the Christian Calendar. This feast takes place the Sunday before Easter and commemorates Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem. The symbolism of Jesus arriving on a donkey is symbolic of coming in peace rather than on a steed as a soldier might do. While palms can be used for religious services held on this day, it is not always possible to have them. So in many places substitutes are used from other trees such as the olive, yew or other native trees. This lead to Palm Sunday sometimes referred to locally as Yew Sunday or Branch Sunday.
The feast is celebrated both in Western and Eastern churches though not at the same time due to different calendars (the West uses the Gregorian while Eastern Orthodox uses the Julian).
Jesus Entry Into Jerusalem by Pietro Lorenzetti(1320). Fresco in the Basilica of San Francesco d’Assisi, Italy Public Domain
Today is Palm Sunday, the beginning of Holy Week on the Christian Calendar. This feast takes place the Sunday before Easter and commemorates Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem. The symbolism of Jesus arriving on a donkey is symbolic of coming in peace rather than on a steed as a soldier might do. While palms can be used for religious services held on this day, it is not always possible to have them. So in many places substitutes are used from other trees such as the olive, yew or other native trees. This lead to Palm Sunday sometimes referred to locally as Yew Sunday or Branch Sunday.
The feast is celebrated both in Western and Eastern churches though not at the same time due to different calendars (the West uses the Gregorian while Eastern Orthodox uses the Julian).
Jesus Entry Into Jerusalem by Pietro Lorenzetti(1320). Fresco in the Basilica of San Francesco d’Assisi, Italy Public Domain
Today is Palm Sunday, the beginning of Holy Week on the Christian Calendar. This feast takes place the Sunday before Easter and commemorates Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem.