Happy Advent! (Second Sunday of Advent)

2nd Advent Sunday
Photo: Clemens PFEIFFER, Vienna (Wikimedia Commons)

O come, O come, Emmanuel,
And ransom captive Israel,
That mourns in lonely exile here
Until the Son of God appears.
Rejoice! Rejoice!
Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel.

Advent finds its roots not in Christmas but in the observance of the Epiphany where Jesus is baptized. In France during the early centuries there was a time of preparation for this feast, which included fasting and prayer. Initially this was for three weeks and extended to forty to imitate the Lent season. Since this started on November 11 and on the feast of St. Martin, it became known as St. Martin’s Lent. This became codified by the Council of Saragossa in 330 AD requiring a time of fasting and prayer before the Epiphany, Then, in 581 the Council of Macon extended this to all the dioceses in France. This would spread to England where this custom was observed as well.

Back in Rome though the feast of the Epiphany was not celebrated but Christmas was. There was no special preparatory period for it either but there was concern there should be one for Christmas. Pope Gregory 1 (590-604) created the Advent Season by composing prayers, antiphons, and psalms to be used. This became known as the Roman Rite of Advent that lasted four weeks. When France adopted this, it added an emphasis be made to the second coming of Jesus. This eventually got back to Rome, which added it to the Advent themes. This became the Advent Liturgical season that we know today.

This is why the first two weeks have scripture readings focusing on the return of Jesus, while the last two weeks are concerned with the birth. Both themes are connected, and the emphasis is on people to “be prepared.” It is this dynamic that makes Advent an important part of the Christian calendar and why it is the beginning of the liturgical year. Advent is the starting point which flows to all the feasts and important holy days to come and ends on the very last Sunday before Advent celebrating Christ the King. Advent is a spiritual journey that prepares both for the birth of the savior but also his return. That is why the readings of the prophet Isaiah are featured during Advent as he speaks often of Israel’s salvation. Music played for Advent such as “Come, O Come, Emmanuel (based on the 9th century Veni, Veni Emmanuel) match this preparation period.

Suggested Reading

Santa, Thomas M. The Essential Advent and Christmas Handbook: A Daily Companion, 2000.

For More Information

Infoplease, “Advent: Dates, Traditions, and History,” InfoPlease, last modified November 18, 2021, http://www.infoplease.com/spot/advent1.html.

Justin Holcomb, “What Is Advent? The Season’s History, Meaning and Traditions,” Christianity.Com, last modified November 18, 2024, https://www.christianity.com/wiki/holidays/what-is-advent.html.

“What Is Advent?” USCCBhttps://www.usccb.org/prayer-worship/liturgical-year/advent.

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