Category Archives: Miscellaneous

Monday Morning Reflective

Dennis DeYoung’s Desert Moon.

Happy Sunday

Image:Petr Kratochvil(
Image:Petr Kratochvil(

We are in the last days of summer. The autumnal equinox is on September 22 at 22:49 EDT and the first full day of autumn is September 23. Wow! Only 9 days till autumn. Above the northern hemisphere we start the transition towards shorter days, longer nights and of course winter. In Australia, it is their spring. Already the signs are on television of Halloween. Spooky themed commercials,stores stocking up on Halloween costumes and decor, and haunted houses are being made ready. A Halloween themed store has already opened up in the city where I live. And my favorite pumpkin spice cookies are back in the shelves.

Have a nice Sunday everyone.

September Flower

The Forget-me-not flower is one of three associated with September. The other two are aster and morning glory. There are over 200 species in the Boraginaceae family. It blooms in spring and are very popular in gardens and its species are diffused all over the world. They prefer moist habitats and take partial sun and the shade. The flower represents true love and faithfulness. It also has been used to memorialize the passing of a loved one. It is often used as a symbol for many charity benefits to fight diseases.

Photo: Wilder Kaiser
Photo: Wilder Kaiser

Happy Labor Day

Today, 1 September, is Labor Day in the United States. It is a day specifically set aside to recognize the achievements of workers, to recognize their importance in the economy, and to thank them for the well being of this country. A similar day is celebrated in Canada on the same day. Labor Day became a national holiday in 1894 and occurs on the first Monday in September. As it is a federal holiday, the federal government is on holiday and there is no postal delivery. Banks are closed as well as the stock market. Every state and territory follows suit as well.

Usually schools reopen around this date. When I was a kid, they generally started just before Labor Day but back then there was a second holiday in California on 9 September-California Admission Day. So we got two holidays back then in September! However there is no legal requirement anymore to observe it. No state agency closes for the date but local governments may choose to do so. Some school districts observe it but not always on the standard date. Los Angeles school district celebrates it on the last Friday in August. None of the public schools where I live observe the holiday.

Aside from being considered the end of summer, a day for retail sales and ball games, it was also the last day you could wear seersucker or white suits. After Labor Day, wearing such clothing was considered a fashion faux pas in certain circles. You might get away with tan but it would depend on the formality of the occasion your attending.

Have a pleasant day everyone.

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