Tag Archives: John Cotter

Columnist Gets Response On Titanic Piece

John O’Connor wrote way back in April about Titanic connections in Springfield, MA. Now he has a follow-up. It led to some interesting feedback:

Over the past several months, my April column, “Irish on Board the Titanic,” brought some interesting feedback. Who in 1912 could have imagined that in 2012 a gentleman in Australia would, after having read my column online on MassLive.com, would have emailed me about a Patrick O’Connor who was lost at sea? Late in April, after publication of the column, I received an envelope which I put in a file folder. The folder went into my briefcase and was forgotten, a definite sign of incipient senility.However, several months later, I opened the briefcase, and the letter fell out. The letter had a much more local origin than my inquiry from Australia. This was from John F. McDowell, from Springfield. He is the great-grandson of John Cotter.

You can read the column here.


1. Masslive.com,Family Tree: Titanic Column On Springfield Links To The Great Disaster Of 1912 Draws Reader Response From Around The World, 28 Nov 2012

2. Masslive.com,Titanic Tragedy Touched Springfield,12 April 2012