Tag Archives: Titanic II Things To Ponder

Titanic II:Things To Ponder

Some things to ponder about Titanic II:

1) Actual construction has not started. All that we have thus far is a memorandum of understanding with a Chinese shipyard. An actual contract to build has not been signed yet.

2) Palmer has spent lots of time and money to publicize Titanic II, which will be a replica but built to modern day shipbuilding and safety standards. This publicity tour is a couple of things. First to convince investors and perhaps more importantly the Chinese government,that he is serious about this. After all, there have many who wanted to do the same in the past and it never got beyond the planning stages. Second, to drum up interest in such a vessel. He needs to show people are willing to put down serious money to sail on Titanic II. He needs to get the rich and wealthy to sign up first because they have the big money to spend.

3 )Why a Chinese shipyard? You usually choose a shipbuilder with experience in constructing these ships. Cost is likely a factor but the original Titanic was built in Belfast. The ship will be called the China Titanic informally by a lot of people.

4) What flag will the ship be flying? The original ship was flagged in Britain but today many ship owners skirt tough maritime standards by flagging ships in countries with lax laws about such things. The U.S., for instance, is so strict that few want to flag a ship there and go elsewhere. The U.K. would be the obvious choice but they are pretty strict as well. Palmer may decide the extra cost and hassle is worth it.

5) If I read the press material, they will be offering a first, second and third class on Titanic II. Hopefully third class passengers on this ship will not be sleeping in bunk beds and sharing bathrooms down the hall.

6) I doubt there will be any drinks served on Titanic II with an iceberg in it. Nor one of those Titanic slides for the kids.

7) And finally, will Celine Dion sail on the maiden voyage and entertain crowds with that now famous song?